The group will meet between 8:00 AM and 8:15 AM at the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center parking lot, 10750 Pleasanton Rd., San Antonio, TX 78221. There is a $5/person entrance fee in the Audubon building and National Audubon Society members receive a $2 discount. The entrance is under construction, but there will be a sign indicating where to turn in from Pleasanton Rd. (See directions below.) Once you enter the property, continue straight past the construction area and you will find the parking lot.
Birding will begin promptly at 8:15 AM and we will carpool around the property on the driving loop, which should be open, driving around the Bird Pond and back to Mitchell Lake.
Expect Vermilion Flycatcher, Bewick's Wren, Pyrrhuloxia, some shorebirds and waterfowl, and maybe even Audubon's Oriole.
DRIVING DIRECTIONS: The driving time is just over 2 hours. Take IH-37 north toward San Antonio. Take exit 133 to IH-410 West. Take exit 46 toward Moursland Rd. and turn left on Moursland Rd, which merges into Pleasanton Rd. Follow Pleasanton Rd. 2.5 miles. Mitchell Lake is on the left.
If you are running late, text or call Liam Wolff at (706) 607-0229 to join up with the group.
If there is time and interest, we can travel the ~30 miles to Government Canyon State Natural Area ($6 entrance) where we will search for Hill Country birds like Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay, Canyon Wren, and Zone-tailed Hawk. We will take a vote once we finish up at Mitchell Lake.